Wednesday, 22 November 2017

how to build a inno setup installer run as administrator


how to add Serial Key to inno setup wizard

how to add read me page to wizard

how to add agree and dis agree button to wizard page

how to create a desktop short cut

Name: {commondesktop}\{#MyAppName}; Filename: {app}\setup.exe; WorkingDir: {app}; IconFilename: {app}\images\setup.ico; Comment: "software";

how to create a installation log file in inno setup installer

how to build a installer which installed in program files in both 64 and 32 bit machines


function GetProgramFiles(Param: string): string;
  if IsWin64 then Result := ExpandConstant('{pf64}')
    else Result := ExpandConstant('{pf32}')

how to build a 64 bit machine installer

tutorials about inno script studio 5.5.9

how to leave the important files when uninstalling software using innosetup

how to add icons to start menu in windows

how to add icon to the control panel programs

how to add a name below left bottom in wizard using innosetup

What are the software need for building installer